
SiteIQ: Search

New Search


 SiteIQ: Search

At the heart of SiteIQ is Search. Enter any location’s address for instant hazard scores and deeper location insights.


The Problem

When a user logs in to SiteIQ, there is no clear distinction between the login screen and the search screen. The user is left with uncertainty and no clear visual distinction of what to do next.

Also, the import feature is not presented clearly. The user is forced to discover import because it is hidden behind a confusing label.

Lastly, the current design uses space poorly. This greatly affects the advanced options area. As these options grow, SiteIQ will benefit from a better design that is scalable and will allow for growth.


Old Login


Old Search


Old Advanced Options


Old Import


The User


SiteIQ helps underwriters optimize their workflow by enabling them to get risk insight instantly. They can now make a quick check simply by entering a location rather than waiting for a risk analyst or trying to gather public data themselves. SiteIQ streamlines this process by delivering hazard risk scores instantly for a location to help underwriters make better decisions on whether to reject, accept or refer a risk for further analysis.


My Role


As lead designer for SiteIQ, I coordinated and led all facets of design. The process for each project varies, but typically includes creating flowcharts, exploration sketches, low-fidelity mockups and end to end high fidelity prototypes. Along the way, I always engage with users, product stakeholders and engineers.


The Solution


The new search page provides the user with a clear distinction between the login page and the search page. There is certainty and a clear visual distinction of what to do next – whether that is performing a single location search or importing a list of multiple locations. The new advanced options page utilizes space effectively and provides a scalable solution as these options grow over time.
